index jolkapelle
index vingeroefeningen
svea is in the shed,
in what she calls the "catkitchen"
and her cat fahrenfeit
-because of the sound of the ff's
she called him after the great physicist-
walks along her legs and he rubs
and mews and purrs, while she
sings a little catsong
to chase away the disgust she feels
while preparing chickens livers for him.
all at once she sees something
in the red and grey mass
that reminds her on the place
in the chicken where the livers come from
and it seems to her
that her own liver doubles up.
-oh yes,- she talks to the chick,
-you died for fahrenfeit, that's true,
that's unfair indeed,
'çause why should not fahrenfeit give
(haha, "give" what nonsensical euphemism!)
his liver or kidney for you?
yes, dear chick, you're right
but behind your time now.
next time better, oh sorry dear,
what do i say now!-
at that very moment there is a knock
on her door and wanny comes in
and immediately hares off, whispering
"i'll wait for you in the kitchen garden".
svea shakes her head, puts off the gas,
tenderly caresses fahrenfeit,
and serves him the livers,
warning "hot ff, hot!".
but ff knows everything and reaches out
a toe to take a piece
and put it on the floor to cool down.
svea runs to the house,
pulling of the handkerchief
that covered the lower part of her face
and washes her hands thoroughly.
after a while she comes to wanny
with two cups of hot chocolate
and a large piece of applepie.
she sits down and smiles.
they drink a drop of chocolate,
she sighs with relief and wanny says
"delicious and just enough rum for now."
than they start talking
about the weather today, yesterday,
in the past and the future.
and because that is a subject
which takes hours and hours,
your reporter takes off
for the rest of the day.